
 Jill's books are available through The Bonding Place PO Box 13303 Fort Pierce, FL 34979

You can order individual copies via Paypal directly from The Bonding Place website.

Or email for directions, cost, plus shipping, if you prefer to pay by check.

 .065% tax USPS shipping $6.00 per book for priority handling
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Writing to God's Glory   ISBN: 978-0-9841816-0-5  (retail price: $40.00) Direct from author: $20 first copy to a home, $10 for additional copies to same home (copies for more than one child) -- not including tax and shipping  

Mega Cooking   ISBN: 978-0-9841816-2-9 (retail price: $26.95) Direct from author: $20 (not including tax and shipping)

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