The whole feel of sermons, news features and even entertainment on Mother's Day is about how wonderful Mom is. Preachers and Rabbis coo about the virtues of every mother and tell her what a wonderful person she is. I've yet to hear a sermon that treats Mom in any hint of the way fathers are treated.
On Father's Day the sermons aren't filled with wonderful stories cute stories of sacrifice and devotion. They are marred with stats of deadbeat dads and single parent households. Dads are chastised to spend more time with their children and to stand up to the task. The movies that aired yesterday were of troubled fathers with models of fathers no one would want to emulate like in the movie, "All My Sons." Even the news features I have watched over the year are guested by those who need to "encourage" fathers to get in the game.
There was an exception and that was Tim Russert who applauded Big Rus. Thank you for that. Once in a while I'll hear a lone wolf saluting men on Father's Day, but it is rare.
Is it fear that provokes preachers to only laud the mothers in the audience and condemn the fathers? Is it they only hear the bad stories of neglectful dads and righteous mothers?
Or it is that our society is so upside down that few people would challenge the norm?
Do the feminists have their tentacles so embedded in the psyche of America that we accept the lies so readily?
Yes, there are fathers who don't spend enough time with their own children, but then there are mothers also. It is the "mothers" in our society who kill their own young. Its called abortion.
When a father kills his own children it makes national news -- abusive father, but mothers kill their babies everyday and people march in the streets to encourage them to do so.
Some people don't believe in a Spiritual World. But I do, how else could you possibly explain to me how the woman who should give her own life for her child would the one who kills it?
Mark Twain is attributed of saying that Jews are proof that there is a God. I'll add that Abortion is one proof that there is a satan.
As we battle against spirits and principalities and not against flesh and blood, we must try to view the world as God does and see the battle lines as drawn.
One of God's best generals is the father in a family. Of course, the evil side wants the father destroyed, reduced, made fun of (as in most of the sitcoms of today), and lessened. The evil side can triumph in a family where the father doesn't walk in the power that God grants him. Children need a strong Dad and many Dads across America are being strong and role models even though their church has been feminized and their society balks them.
In reality, it is God who empowers and equips. Since God's Words do not fail, He will continue to empower fathers to be like Himself even if many of his so-called followers bow to the popularity of political correctness and feminists' agendas.
I salute fathers because God does. I uplift them in their role because God does. I pray for them as they battle for their own children against evil forces because God does. Because whatever God does is Good!
Autism: I applaud my husband as he cares so well for our son, Trent who is 19 and has autism.
One of Trent's first audible words after he became autistic was "Dad." It was said with such awe and love that I can still hear it in my mind exactly as Trent spoke it more than 15 years ago. Trent had spoken well with many words as one and two year olds do. Then he lost all language after his vaccinations. He only growled, screamed, screeched, and gurgled for so long, I wondered if he could ever speak again. But with love and patience and hundreds of hours of caring therapy, he speaks well now and has many words in his vocabulary. So, when out of those "bood-a-whahs" and high pitched "ah-yees" came the soft, loving, "Dad" we all cried. Alan had been on a business trip and had just returned and Trent had missed his beloved father so much that he did the mental gymnastics it took for him to formulate the sounds that make up the word, "Dad." It was a gift to Alan that a million dollars couldn't buy.
Homemaking and Israel: This may seem an odd combination, but one way that I support Israel is how I run my household. You see, I don't worship Mother Earth, also known as Gaia. I worship God and He loves Israel. He blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel.
It seems now that on the world stage those that curse Israel seem to hold the oil. And they are trying to cripple our economy by raising their prices. It seems insane that with each dollar we pay at the pump we are sending money to people who work against us and our allies. Each gallon of gas fuels anti-semitism.
I know some people are going "green," for their own reasons. They are trying to cut fuel costs and fix that hole in the ozone by reducing, reusing, and recycling. Their motives are their motives.
My motives, on the other hand, align with Scripture. If I can reduce, reuse or recycle something in my home and it somehow in even a tiny way reduces our funding of Jew-haters, then I'm glad.
Simple ideas: I combine uses of energy as much as possible. For example, in addition to using one of the most energy-efficient washers on the planet, I time my bread baking to coincide with my laundry drying. The heat on top of the dryer helps my dough to rise. Instead of that heat just making my laundry room hotter, it makes the yeast expand in my bread dough.
It is a mindset. If you love God, and so Israel, then before you throw something away ask yourself if you could recycle, reuse, or re-thinks its use and if next time you could reduce use of it.
When mega-cooking, I reduce the waste of just cans by 40-80%. Think for a minute of the number of cans of tuna it would take to equal one mega-can (used in a mega recipe). How much more metal and processing it takes to contain the same amount of tuna.
- Small can contains 6 ounces of tuna and the can weighs 1 ounce (It would take 12 cans to get at least as much tuna as in a large can.)
- Large can contains 66.5 ounces of tuna and the can weighs 9 ounces
Just in that one ingredient alone, I saved "the world" the use, processing, and waste storage of 3 ounces of metal. Seems tiny doesn't it, but it adds up. And that is just the weight, the actual "trash can" volume is 4 times smaller -- less land fill.
Energy used in processing: The machines that run in the assembly line to fill that amount of tuna, had to run 1/12 the time to fill one can than 12 cans. I use the can opener one time for one can and 12 times for 12 cans.
When you apply the idea that everything you do has implications and "voting" power than you tend to look at life differently. By voting power I mean how we "vote" for or against something with our dollars. We vote for positive movies like The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by buying tickets and helping it achieve box office status. We withhold our money from movies and causes we don't support.
And as much as I have control over it, I try to withhold our family's dollars from nations who seek to destroy God's Chosen. I can't withhold all of it because we have to drive, but I can try not to send any more to them than necessary.
Many people have different motives for "Going Green" or saving the planet. I just want to add the motive of "voting" for Israel and against anti-Semitism.
Have a blessed day!
Mega-Joy in Yeshua,Publish Post
Mrs. Jill Bond
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