Thursday, September 13, 2012

Introduction, Second Time Around

God is Good All the Time and with that in mind I am re-starting this blog on blogspot with the distinct desire to draw attention to God’s goodness with His applications of His Word in our lives and ministry.

Similar to many mothers, I juggle dozens of topics in any given hour from
·      getting healthy meals on the table (cooking),
·      to helping friends figure out the social-economic climate (Budgeting and smart shopping),
·      to meandering through the morass of politics American-style (Voting and praying)
·      to fitting health measures into the mix (exercising, therapy and research),
·      to staying up with my daily Bible readings and specific in-depth studies,
·      to listening or watching all the videos, blogs, and podcasts that I deem important,
·      to attempting to not neglect my family and friends (even if it’s just via email),
·      to just day-to-day excitement like laundry, mopping, and errands. 

With all that in mind, I’ll attempt to divide this blog up four ways:
1)    Homemaking & Meals – highlighting my mega-cooking program and recipes – always trying to be More Mary and Less Martha
2)    Special Needs – with focused attention on autism and our PREACCH ministry and homeschooling
3)    Outreach – also known in my life as witnessing through writing and testimonies – sprouting out of my work, Writing to God’s Glory and speaking ministry
4)    Bible Study – with a spotlight on day-to-day living

Instead of making four different blogs to manage each topic, I’ve decided to streamline and flip among the Four centers as I feel the Lord leads me.  Because like most of you, my life isn’t compartmentalized, but overlaps and often in the same ten minutes! So, if the topic of that blog isn’t your interest, just ignore it or let me know.

God is Good All the Time.